Travellers; Be Careful What You Eat

Travellers Be Careful What You Eat

Diarrhea affects up to 50% of all travellers. Other diseases that effect travellers
include typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, polio, viral hepatitis A, and a variety
of parasitic infections.

When travelling you may not always be able to safely eat when, where d what
you wish. Take a look at your servers! Are they clean looking? Most importantly,
do their hands and fingernails look clean? Do they keep their hands away from
their faces and hair? Foodborne illness can be passed person-to-person or from
the bathroom by unwashed hands. Burns and cuts that may be infected are also a
plentiful source of harmful bacteria. If you can, try to get a glimpse of the
person who is fixing your food. You decide from there.

Plates, glasses and utensils should be clean and spot free. If they have
dried-on food, finger prints, or lipstick on glasses, then the dishwasher is
likely on the blink. Ask for clean replacements or move on down the road.
Fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables should appear fresh and have a fresh
aroma. Wilted salads may be an indication that the product is old or has not
been properly handled.

See any bugs? If you have to share your table with roaches, it’s time to leave.
What is the general condition of the restaurant environment? Sure, you don’t eat
off the floor, but how the manager keeps the place up may be an indication of
the amount of pride they take in preparing your food.

And remember, don’t drink the water!

Shopping For Food:
Plan ahead, decide what you are going to eat and how you are going to cook
it—then plan what equipment you will need. Buy your food from a reputable
supplier. Examples of foods to avoid are custards, egg salad, potato salad,
chicken salad, macaroni salad, ham, salami, most cheese, cooked poultry and
dressing, and smoked fish.

More foods that my be dangerous are home-made mayonnaise, some sauces [e.g.
hollandaise] and some desserts, such as mousses. Ice cream is frequently
contaminated if it comes from an unreliable source.

Be especially wary of unpasteurized milk, non-bottled drinks [they are likely to
be contaminated and possibly unsafe]. Boil uncooked food and unpasteurized milk
before drinking.